
Why Are IPAs So Popular?

It seems that not matter which bar, and indeed which type of bar (craft, sports, traditional pub, etc.) you visit these days, one thing is a certainty, and that is the presence of at least one IPA on tap at the bar. They may have even given your favorite beer the boot from the tap…

Beer Cheese Soup – A Delicious, Easy-to-Make Classic

I feel very fortunate to live where I do in Tampa, FL, as there is a legendary German restaurant not even 5 minutes from my house; Mr. Dunderbak’s. Mr. Dunderbak’s is the place where I first dipped my toes into the waters of craft beer, and is where some of my fondest beer drinking memories…

So You Want To Brew Your Own Beer – Step 5: Bottling Day

Now that your beer has been brewed, and has been through its primary and secondary fermentation phase, it’s time that we finally get that beer into bottles so that you can enjoy your very first batch. As with all steps in the brewing process, we will begin by sanitizing all of the equipment that is…

So You Want To Brew Your Own Beer – Step 4: Secondary Fermentation

Now that brew day is complete, and your wort has been fermenting, and has turned into beer. You’ve been watching your airlock, and it has slowed down to a very intermittent and less vigorous bubbling. Once the airlock has finished bubbling completely, wait 24 more hours, and at this point, you are now ready to…

So You Want to Brew Your Own Beer – Step 3: Brew Day

Now that we have secured our equipment, and we have our ingredients, we’re going to focus on the best part – brew day! There’s nothing quite as exciting as brewing your first batch of beer, and it can seem a little intimidating, but if you read all of the instructions in advance and follow them…

So You Want To Brew Your Own Beer: Step 2 – The Ingredients

Now that you know what equipment you need in order to brew great beer at home, we’ll be taking a look at what ingredients are required. At its most basic, beer is comprised of 4 ingredients; water, malted barley, hops, & yeast. As I am focusing on first-time homebrewers, and as I suggested in part…

So You Want To Brew Your Own Beer – Step 1: The Basic Equipment

You’ve explored the vast array of beer styles from light, crisp lagers, to black-as-death imperial stouts, and everything in-between. You can blindly identify a kettle sour from a gose, and a Märzen from a Helles. You’ve visited all of your local craft brewers on many occasions, and your favorite craft beer bar knows your order…

Beer 101 – Beer Basics: What Is Beer?

In this ongoing blog series we’ll be exploring beer from A to Z, and hopefully demystify the wonderful, varied world of beer. If you enjoy beer and have always wondered how it’s made, what’s in it, how does it get from grain-to-glass, or any other facet of beer making and its constituent parts, then this…

The Top 10 Best Craft Brewers in Tampa, FL

As a craft beer lover located in Tampa, FL, I am blessed to be spoiled for choice when it come to craft beer options. Indeed, some of the top-rated craft brewers in the country call Tampa, FL home. Whether you’re a local who is looking to find a new local craft brewer, or a tourist…

What’s So Special About Craft Beer?

With so many beer buying options in the marketplace, and prices varying wildly from one beer to the next, why would somebody pay a premium to drink the favorite beverage of hipsters the world over? While this may seem like a silly question to those of us who are absolute craft beer fans, to the…


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